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There is something special about finding family’s dream home and which is the work of real estate agents and are there for their clients for some of the biggest and most pivotal moments of their lives. Why Invest in Real Estate? It’s more than just a transaction, for many people buying a home is an emotional experience, and putting smiles on their faces is why real estate business is the best to me

Why Invest in Real Estate?

Every time I complete a transaction with clients in anywhere in Nigeria, I love the look on their faces when they walk into their home for the first time. And it is always a win-win result, which is why I love real estate. It is also important to know that real estate provides a path to financial freedom, just with a flexible schedule, and the personal fulfillment of helping families own their home. Few careers can offer this much. The real estate business is inherently entrepreneurial, which means for most real estate agents, you’re the one calling the shots. Tired of being under-appreciated?! Wish the boss would stop breathing down your neck?! When you’re a real estate agent, you can win “World’s Best Boss” each year running!

However, another major reason why real estate agents love their work is they get to work and interact with a variety of people. While some office work is required, the majority of agents’ time is spent on-the-go, not in front of a computer screen all day.

Why is real estate the best investment?

There is something special about finding family’s dream home and which is the work of real estate agents and are there for their clients for some of the biggest and most pivotal moments of their lives.
– I am very proud of the work that I do: whether it’s assisting buyers in finding, what’s very likely, their life’s most valuable asset, or helping home sellers with the marketing and subsequent sale of their home, as they get ready for the next chapter in their life! How exciting is that!

– As a real estate agent, you have a bigger impact on people’s lives than you might think! Definitely not the easiest of responsibilities, but a very rewarding one!

Being personally involved with the marketing and sale of one’s home, a real estate agent gets exposed to (not-to-be underestimated) level of emotional stress, whether coming from the home seller, interested buyer or caused by the agent himself.

Intense negotiations spread over days or weeks, writing or presenting offers to purchase at the oddest times or locations or showing potential buyers properties under the most difficult of circumstances, all do contribute to sometimes stressful situations!

– Fear of being downsized Sometimes, friends might tell me how they worry about the latest economic conditions & forecasts, and how they fear it might result in being downsized, outsourced or straight job loss.

Over the years as a real estate agent, it is quite a weight off my shoulders to know I never need to worry about that again!

– Whether the economy is good or bad, it doesn’t matter because as a real estate agent, I like to see it that I’m responsible for making my own economy!

I believe whether business is good or bad, it is completely my own doing (and mostly right between my ears!). Some of my best performance months were in economic down periods!

– Discrimination is not a welcomed matter when it comes to real estate. In other words, it’s a level playing field, where it really doesn’t matter what educational background you have, or what your previous career experience has been, anyone interested in becoming a real estate agent can choose to do so!

Having said that, whether you will survive your first six months as a real estate agent is a completely different matter (and a topic of discussion for another time)!